Would you like to discuss how diversity and inclusivity can be improved in academia, and more specifically in biomechanics? Join our “Diversity in Biomechanics” session, on Monday 1st of July at 5:35 PM. You will have the opportunity to hear the testimonies and advice of inspiring people from our field, followed by informal discussions and exchange on initiatives and suggestions that could be launched within the ESB to improve diversity and inclusivity. Our goal is to provide a safe and friendly environment, where anyone can share experience, express feelings or ask for advice.

Prof Rachel Williams
Dr Williams is a Professor at the University of Liverpool. Her research focuses on the design and development of advanced materials for ophthalmic bioengineering. She is a Fellow Royal Academy of Engineering and of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. She has worked resiliently in supporting and mentoring diversity in the wider field of bioengineering.

Dr Fraje Watson
Dr Watson is an Associate Researcher at Imperial College London. Her research focuses on long-term musculoskeletal outcomes of military personnel. She is the Director of Member Support for International Women in Biomechanics and is co-leading a Wikibomb initiative through the International Society of Biomechanics.
The “Diversity in biomechanics” session has as main goal to discuss and identify which actions the ESB should and/or could take to improve gender and any other diversity in biomechanics.
We are looking forward to an inspiring discussion!