

We recall that to be eligible for awards you must adhere to the ESB membership application review timeline below; no exceptions will be made. More information HERE. 

  • March 1st (approvals confirmed by March 15th): deadline for applications for new members who wish to gain reduced congress fees for the early-bird congress registration.
  • June 1st (approvals confirmed by June 15th): deadline for applications for new members who wish to gain reduced congress fees for late congress registration.
  • October 15th (approvals confirmed by Oct 30th): deadlines for applications for new members who attended the congress as non-members (membership paid by their congress registration).
  • December 1st (approvals confirmed by Dec 15th): deadline for applications for new members who wish to be considered for awards with deadline of Jan 31st and no additional eligibility requirements.

The following awards will be awarded at the ESB 2024 Conference:

S.M. Perren Research Award

The S.M. Perren research award will be awarded to the authors of the best scientific paper submitted to the annual conference based on original and unpublished research. The first author of the winning paper is required to give an award lecture named in Prof. Perren's honor at the ESB 2024. The deadline for submission will be 31st January 2024. 

ESB Early Career Research Award

The ESB Early Career Researcher Award recognizes the development of an outstanding young researcher who contributes to the advancement of the theory and/or applications of Biomechanics. Open for ESB members who are the first author of the abstract and have defended their PhD between 2 to 7 years ago at the time of ESB 2024. 

Best Doctoral Thesis in Biomechanics

This award recognizes the development of an outstanding doctoral final thesis that has contributed to the advancement of theory and/or application of biomechanics. The selection will be based on the original PhD document written in English and CV. 

ESB Clinical Biomechanics Award

This award was established by ESB with the purpose of fostering the application of Biomechanics to clinically oriented problems. Application is open to all members of the ESB.

ESB Student Award

This award is open to any student member of ESB. Four finalists will be selected to present a 15 minute podium presentation during a special session dedicated for student awards. Applicants are requested to submit a proof of their student status.

ESB Poster Award

The ESB poster award recognizes the best poster presented at the annual conference. The award is open to all ESB members with the deadline being 25th June 2024. Applicants are requested to upload a poster pitch in MP4 format. 

Travel Awards

The travel award is open to young members of ESB who are the first author of the submitted abstract. Please not that each ESB member is eligible to receive the travel award only once. 

In case of further questions regarding the awards, please contact the ESB 2024 Secretariat by email at, or refer to the ESB website below: 

Congratulation to all ESB 2022 Award winners!

ESB Student Award: Biomechanics and mechanobiology of mineralized fibrocartilage at the tendon-bone attachment (Hard tissue biomechanics) Alexandra Tits, University of Liege, Belgium

Clinical Biomechanics Award: Biomechanical evaluation of diagnostic tests for rotator cuff lesions, Johanna Menze, T. Rojas, M. A. Zumstein, S. J. Ferguson, K. Gerber, University of Bern, Switzerland

Best Poster Award: Overcoming a “Forbidden Phenotype”: the parrot’s head supports, propels, and powers tripedal locomotion, Melody W. Young, NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine, US

Best Doctoral Thesis Award: Impact of fluid dynamics and drug transport on restenosis in femoral arteries after endovascular treatment, Monika Colombo, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

ESB Mobility Awards: Zeynep Karagöz, Satanik Mukherjee, Iulen Cabeza-Gil

Start-up Ideas Competition (organized within the Symposium on Research and Entrepreneurship): 
OSORA, Medical Fracture Analytics, Dr. Lucas Engelhardt (
BBSoF, Beyond Biomechanics Sport on Field, Zimi Sawacha (

S. M. Perren Research Award

The winner of the 2022 ESB S.M. Perren Research Award is Michael Dreyer from the ETH, Zurich (Switzerland) for the manuscript entitled: “Standardized Tibio-Femoral Implant Loads and Kinematics” by MJ. Dreyer, A. Trepczynski, SH. Hosseini Nasab, I.  Kutzner, P.  Schütz, B. Weisse, J. Dymke, B. Postolka, P. Moewis, G. Bergmann, GN. Duda, WR. Taylor, P. Damm, and CR. Smith.

Best Doctoral Thesis Award

The Best Doctoral Thesis award will be presented in the main plenary,  Archive Hall on Wednesday, 29th of June from 14:00 – 15:00. More information about the awarded thesis and author will be available in the online programme.

SM Perren Award  – Application deadline 31st January 2022. Please consider submitting your latest work as an original article choosing the SM Perren Award to Journal of Biomechanics latest by January 31st, 2022. 

Best Doctoral Thesis Award – Application deadline 31st January 2022. Applications are submitted via email to the award chair. All of the Awards listed below are based on abstract submission to the ESB2022 congress, and each abstract can only be submitted for one award.  All deadlines coincide with the deadline for Congress Abstract submission. 

Clinical Biomechanics Award

  • Biomechanics index for diabetic foot risk classification, A. Guiotto, G. Bortolami, A. Ciniglio, F. Spolaor, G. Guarneri, A. Avogaro, F. Cibin, F. Silvestri, Z. Sawacha
  • Biomechanical evaluation of diagnostic tests for rotator cuff lesions,                    J. Menze, T. Rojas, M. A. Zumstein, S. J. Ferguson, K. Gerber
  • Effect of alendronate on bone fracture toughness in osteogenesis imperfecta,     A. Muñoz, A. Carriero 
  • Application of cog threads for vaginal wall prolapse repair: ex-vivo study, R. Rynkevic, C. Soares, L. Hympanova, E. Silva, T. Mascarenhas, P. Martins

The four selected finalists will present their work in a dedicated session on Monday, 27th June from 14:00 in Archive Hall. 

Clinical Biomechanics Award – Application deadline 31st January 2022. Please ensure you check the submission box during abstract submission and attach the additional required documents. 

ESB Student Award

The student award session will take place on Monday, 27th June from 16:00 – 17:00, in the Archive Hall. One prize and three runner-up awards will be given to the four finalists: 

  • Assessing the performance of thrombectomy devices with in silico models (Clinical and translational biomechanics / in silico trials) Sara Bridio, Politecnico di Milano, Italy 
  • Predicting surgical outcomes across nine corrective techniques for sagittal craniosynostosis (Advance computing for biomechanics) Connor Cross, University College London, United Kingdom 
  • Angiography-derived wall shear stress topological skeleton variability predicts myocardial infarction (Cardiovascular biomechanics) Maurizio Lodi Rizzini, Politecnico di Torino, Italy 
  •  Biomechanics and mechanobiology of mineralized fibrocartilage at the tendon-bone attachment (Hard tissue biomechanics) Alexandra Tits, University of Liege, Belgium

ESB Student Award – Application deadline 31st January 2022. Four finalists will be selected to present and compete for the Award in a dedicated session during the yearly ESB Congress in Porto. Please ensure to check the submission box during abstract submission and attach the additional required documents.

ESB Poster Award

The ESB Poster Award is given at each ESB Congress with the purpose of raising the quality of poster presentations at the meeting. The selection is made by an ad hoc Poster Award Committee appointed by the ESB Council and chaired by the ESB Awards Committee Chairman. 

ESB Poster Award –  Application deadline 31st January 2022. The ESB Poster Award is given at each ESB Congress with the purpose of promoting the quality of poster presentations at the meeting. The selection is made during the Congress, by a Poster Award Committee. 

ESB Travel Awards

The European Society of Biomechanics and the organizers proposed Travel Awards to financially help young researchers to participate in the ESB 2022 Congress. The
awards will be presented during the congress dinner.

ESB Travel Awards – Application deadline 31st January 2022. A substantial number of Travel Awards (minimum of 20) will be awarded by the ESB for attending the ESB congress. Please ensure you check the submission box during abstract submission and attach the additional required documents.